

A dense fog hung over the abandoned town the howls of wild dogs and the hoots of night birds penetrated the otherwise silent night the party of five skulked in the trees watching for signs of life.

“I guess whatever happened here we missed it.” A young women long sharp claw like fingers and jet black eyes whispered.

“Again.” A stout looking man with a poorly kept beard said in disgust.

“We’ll have to go and see if anyone made it.” A short woman with a childish look to her said pensively while holding a long staff in both hands and a large book strapped to her back.

“What’s the point. It’ll just be the same story.” The scruffy bearded man exclaimed.

“But we might be able to help!” The small woman protested a moment as another man struck a glance her way. She realised she’d been too loud.

A moment passed and they all stood in tense silence, another dog howled in the distance. A branch snapped somewhere near by and a forest animal ran out of the bushes. With that a moan from the dirction of the city and then a shriek, and another. Black figures began to stream out of wrecked houses and piles of corpses began to move, then stand and at varying rates chase the dear over the course of several minutes running it down and falling upon it. Tearing it apart in shrieks and cries and other inhuman sounds echoed from the darkness.

The five figures began to slink back deeper into the shadows.

Later that night the five sat in silence in a cave a shielded fire burning dully.

“So it’s spread this far then.” The girlish one looked glum.

“Indeed.” The woman with talons held a skewer with a skinned animal on it in the fire.

“It could have spread everywhere, there may be nothing left.” The scruffy man said while tearing some of the flesh off with his teeth from the animal on his squewer. “Maybe we’ll have to repopulate the world little Meredith!” He eyed the small woman hugrily and laughed.

“You’re hardly able to get up in the morning let alone repopulate anything!” The small woman laughed and all five shared a moment of laughter ended by a freezing gust from outside that brought with it the stench of death.

“I have nothing but fear.” The tall man named Lazerous said as he stared back towards the cave mouth. He was the leader of their group of scouts. He sighed and ran his hand over his scared head. “Sorry, foolish of me.”

“Don’t worry, we can all feel it, sometimes it just comes out.” The woman with the jet black eyes said and started eating her meat.