
Of late I have been watching a lot of whimsical anime along with a lot of modern magic stuff and once again I’m stuck thinking about folklore and fairy tales and how they could make great settings. Now I know that there is loads of stuff out there already with these kinds of settings but I think there’s a lot of room for great storytelling to be done. As always my mind is abuzz with…

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A Godless World System Tweaks

Hit Points Hit points in this setting do not go up with levels, they are set from the begining and can only go up via extraordinary circumstances or by using feats. As such it is based off of the characters constitution statistics.The lowest starting hit point value for a player character is four. The idea behind this change is to get around how characters become progressively more “bullet spongy” as time goes on, going from…

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Some work I did on FATE character creation

Creating Good Characters   Goal What’s your character attempting to achieve in life, what’s their end goal? It should be hard to achieve but possible, though maybe unlikely. Think about what you’d want to be able to achieve in a similar situation, time period and setting.   Some examples. “I want to become King.” “I want to own my own starship.” “I want to build a legacy.” “I want to be the greatest merchant in…

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